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While the Mobile App and AI are being worked on, take advantage of the following contacts. They will definitely help you!

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EU Emergency number


USA&Canada Emergency number


UK Emergency number




Patvērums Drošā Māja

24 stundu uzticības tālrunis cilvēku tirdzniecības apkarošanai, kas sniedz atbalsta pakalpojumus cilvēku tirdzniecības upuriem.

A 24/7 anti-human-trafficking helpline with support services for victims of human trafficking.


24 stundu emocionālā krīzes atbalsta dienests, kas sniedz psiholoģisku palīdzību ikvienam, kam ir garīgās veselības problēmas.

A 24/7 emotional crisis support service providing psychological help for anyone struggling with mental-health issues.

Centrs MARTA

Palīdzības tālrunis, kas pieejams personām, kuras cietušas no fiziskas un seksuālas vardarbības, un kas sniedz pagaidu patvērumu un palīdzību.

Support hotline open to survivors of physical and sexual violence, providing temporary shelter and help.

Latvijas Cilvēktiesību Centrs

Naida noziegumu un diskriminācijas ziņojumu portāls, kas palīdz ikvienam, kurš saskaras ar diskrimināciju, atrast atbalstu.

Hate crime and discrimination report portal helping anyone experiencing discrimination to find support.

Mentor Latvia

Izglītojoši un konsultatīvi materiāli jauniešiem, kurus skārušas garīgās veselības problēmas, fiziska vardarbība un cilvēku tirdzniecība.

Educational and advice materials for young individuals affected by mental-health issues, physical violence and human trafficking.


Lietuvos emocinės paramos tarnybų asociacija

Emocinės paramos telefono linijų ir šaltinių, teikiančių pagalbą kenčiantiems nuo psichikos sveikatos problemų, sąrašas.

List of emotional-support helplines and resources providing support for anyone suffering from mental-health challenges.

Lygus Informacinis Portalas

Mokomoji medžiaga apie smurtą dėl lyties ir paramos šaltinių, skirtų pagalbos ieškantiems smurtą patyrusiems asmenims, sąrašas.

Educational materials covering gender-based violence and a list of support resources for survivors seeking help.

Tu Esi

Skubios emocinės paramos telefono linija, skirta visiems, kurie susiduria su mintimis apie savižudybę arba kuriems reikia pagalbos.

Emergency emotional-support helpline open to anyone struggling with suicidal thoughts or in need of help.

Žmogaus Teisių Gidas

Vadovas, kuriame aptariamos įvairios temos, pavyzdžiui, psichikos sveikata, fizinis smurtas ir diskriminacija, pateikiamos nuorodos į paramos išteklius.

Guide covering various topics such as mental health, physical violence and discrimination, providing links to support resources.

Koalicija “Galiu gyventi”

Mokomoji medžiaga apie priklausomybę nuo narkotikų, pagalbos centrus, narkotikų politiką ir būdus, kaip kovoti su diskriminacija ir stigma.

Educational materials covering drug addiction, help centres, drug policies and ways to handle discrimination and stigma.



Õppematerjalid vaimse tervise, sealhulgas erinevate psüühikahäirete ja emotsionaalse positiivsuse tagamise kohta.

Educational materials about mental health, including various types of mental illness and ensuring emotional positivity.

Tallinna Naiste Kriisikodu

Varjupaigateenus ja õigusnõustamise tugiressurss kõigile, keda on mõjutanud perevägivald ja kes soovivad põgeneda.

A shelter service and legal-advice support resource for anyone affected by domestic violence and who wants to escape.

Naiste Tugi- ja Teabekeskus

Lingid hädaabi kriisikodudele ja teave soolise vägivalla tuvastamiseks ja sellest mõjutatud isikute abistamiseks.

Links to emergency crisis support shelters and information to help identify gender-based violence and help those affected by it.


Loetelu erinevatest abitelefonidest, mis on kättesaadavad erinevat tüüpi vaimse tervise häirete all kannatavatele ja tuge vajavatele inimestele.

List of different helplines available for those experiencing various types of mental-health disorders and in need of support.

Ohvriabi SKA

Lingid vaimse tervise ja toetuse abitelefonidele ja teabeallikatele neile, keda vägivald on mõjutanud ja kes vajavad abi.

Links to mental-health and support helplines and information resources for those affected by violence and who need help.


MIELI Suomen Mielenterveys ry

Kriisipuhelin tarjoaa keskusteluapua heikentyneen mielenterveyden kanssa eläville, jotka etsivät apua tai jotakuta, jolle puhua. Tukea saatavilla myös arabiaksi, englanniksi, ruotsiksi ja venäjäksi. Lue tarkemmat tiedot verkkosivuilta.

The crisis hotline offers counselling for people with mental health problems who are looking for help or someone to talk to. Support is also available in Arabic, English, Swedish and Russian. For more information, visit the website.


Mielenterveystuen verkkosivusto erilaisiin nuorten elämän haasteisiin mukaan lukien kiusaaminen, masennus ja riippuvuus.

A mental health support website for various challenges in young people's lives including bullying, depression and addiction.

Mielenterveyden keskusliitto

Tietoa erityyppisistä mielenterveyshäiriöistä, mukaan lukien oireet ja hoitovaihtoehdot, edistämään mielen hyvinvointia. Neuvontapuhelin tarjoaa apua myös englanniksi.

Information on different types of mental disorders, including symptoms and treatment options, to promote mental well-being. The helpline also offers help in English.


Tietoa ja omahoito-ohjelmia ikäryhmittäin hyvinvoivan mielen saavuttamiseksi.

Information and self-care programmes by age group to achieve a healthy mind.

Surunauha ry

Vertaistukea tarjoava päivystävä puhelin itsemurhan tehneen läheisille. Linja on avoinna maanantaista perjantaihin klo 9–15.

A helpline offering peer support to the loved ones of a suicide victim. The line is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 3pm.



Stödjour öppen för alla under 18 år som behöver prata om sina bekymmer och få rådgivning.

Helpline open to anyone under 18 who needs to talk about their worries and get advice.


Support via telefon eller chatt för personer med självmordstankar som behöver hjälp att orka leva vidare.

Support by phone or chat for people with suicidal thoughts who need help to cope with life.

Resurssida där barn, unga och unga vuxna kan få upplysning om könsfrågor och sexuellt våld, samt kontaktuppgifter till jourer.

Resource page where children, young people and young adults can find information on gender issues and sexual violence, as well as contact details for hotlines.

Antidiskrimineringsbyrån Norra Skåne

Rådgivningsjour för de som drabbats av diskriminering, inklusive på grund av etnisk tillhörighet, och vill veta mer om sina lagliga rättigheter.

Counseling service for those who have suffered discrimination, including on the grounds of ethnicity, and want to know more about their legal rights.


Stödlinje för alla som berörs av droger och söker information, råd och stöd.
Telefontider: måndagar kl. 9.00–19.00 och torsdagar kl. 9.00–16.00.

Support line for anyone affected by drugs and seeking information, advice and support.
Telephone hours: Mondays 9.00-19.00 and Thursdays 9.00-16.00.

Brottsofferjouren Sverige

Juridiskt och medmänskligt stöd för alla som råkat ut för brott och länkar till stödresurser för de som befinner sig i en krissituation.
Telefontider: måndag till fredag kl. 9.00–19.00, lördag och söndag kl. 9.00–16.00 (lunchstängt kl. 12.00–13.00).

Legal and compassionate support for anyone affected by crime and links to support resources for those in crisis.
Telephone hours: Monday to Friday, 9.00-19.00, Saturday and Sunday, 9.00-16.00 (closed for lunch, 12.00-13.00).

Frisk & Fri

Vägledande stöd kring ätstörningar och en telefonjour för att hjälpa behövande.

Guidance on eating disorders and a helpline to help those in need.

Stiftelsen Kyrkans SOS

Krislinjer och länkar till organisationer som ger känslomässigt stöd till personer som har det svårt och vill prata med någon.
Telefontider: måndag till fredag kl. 13.00–21.00, lördag och söndag kl. 16.00–21.00.

Crisis lines and links to organisations that provide emotional support to people who are struggling and want to talk to someone.
Telephone hours: Monday to Friday from 13.00 to 21.00, Saturday and Sunday from 16.00 to 21.00.


Supportlinje som hjälper till att identifiera mobbning och ger råd till de som är utsatta.
Telefontider: måndag till fredag kl. 9.00–12.00.

Support line to help identify bullying and give advice to those who are victims.
Telephone hours: Monday to Friday, 9.00-12.00.

Rådgivning för killar som har frågor kring allt möjligt, inklusive sexualitet och kön – genom personliga möten eller online.

Counselling for guys who have questions about all sorts of things, including sexuality and gender - through face-to-face meetings or online.


Självhjälpsresurs med information för alla som kämpar med alkoholism och vill bli friska.

Self-help resource with information for anyone struggling with alcoholism and wanting to get well.


Stiftung gegen Rassismus

Links zu öffentlichen Kampagnen und Informationen im Kampf gegen Rassismus in der Gesellschaft.

Links to public campaigns and information in the fight against racism in society.


Bei der TelefonSeelsorge findest du Unterstützung bei emotionalen Krisen und suizidalen Gedanken.

At the TelefonSeelsorge you can find support for emotional crises and suicidal thoughts

Hilfe-Portal Sexueller Missbrauch

Das Hilfe-Portal unterstützt Betroffene von sexuellem Missbrauch und informiert umfangreich zu diesem Thema.

The help portal supports victims of sexual abuse and provides extensive information on this topic.

Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung

Die Bundeszentrale bietet telefonische Hilfe und Infos für Menschen, die unter einer Essstörung leiden oder sich davon erholen.

The federal center provides phone help and information for people suffering from or recovering from an eating disorder.


MANEO erfasst Fälle von Diskriminierung gegen die LGBTQ+ Community und verlinkt wichtige Anlaufstellen für Betroffene.

MANEO records cases of discrimination against the LGBTQ+ community and links important contact points for those affected.

FSM – Freiwillige Selbstkontrolle Multimedia-Diensteanbieter e.V.

Informationen zur Erkennung von Cybermobbing und Links zu Hilfsdiensten.

Information on recognizing cyberbullying and links to help services.


Guttempler unterstützt dich mit einer Notfall-Hotline, Links zu Selbsthilfegruppen und Infos zu einem abstinenten Leben.

Guttempler supports you with an emergency hotline, links to self-help groups and information on how to live an abstinent life

Stop Antisemitismus

Wie erkennst du Antisemitismus? Hier findest du wichtige Infos und Anlaufstellen für Betroffene.

How do you recognize anti-Semitism? Here you can find important information and contact points for those affected.

BIG e.V.

BIG bietet Telefonberatung für Betroffene von körperlicher Misshandlung und wichtige Infos zur Prävention an.

BIG offers phone counseling for victims of physical abuse and important prevention info.

MobbingLine NRW

Hier finden junge Menschen Infos zum Thema Mobbing und Betroffene wichtige Unterstützung.

Here, young people can find information on the topic of bullying and those affected can find important support.


SOS Dépression

Une ligne d’écoute visant à aider
les personnes
souffrant de dépression
et de pensées négatives
qui ont besoin de parler.

A hotline to help
people suffering
suffering from depression
and negative thoughts
who need to talk.

Service National d’accueil Téléphonique
de l’Enfance en Danger

Une ligne d’écoute d’urgence
et un service de discussion
en ligne pour les victimes
de violences
ayant besoin d’aide.

A crisis line
and a chat service
for victims of violence
of violence
who need help.

SOS Help

Une ligne d’écoute en anglais
de prévention contre le suicide
pour les personnes en situation
de détresse émotionnelle.

An English language crisis line
for suicide prevention
for people in situations of emotional
emotional distress.

Alcooliques Anonymes

Une ligne d’écoute et des liens
vers des groupes de parole
pour les personnes
souhaitant sortir
de la dépendance à l’alcool.

A hotline and links to
to discussion groups
for people who
wishing to get out of
from alcohol dependency.

Défenseur des Droits

Des liens vers des portails
de signalement pour les victimes
de discrimination raciale,
en plus de ressources informatives.

Links to reporting portals
reporting portals for victims of racial
of racial discrimination,
in addition to informational resources.

La Fédération France Victimes

Une ligne d’écoute d’urgence
pour les victimes de crimes,
ainsi que des liens
vers des ressources concernant
les violences sexuelles.

A crisis line
for victims of crime,
as well as links to
to resources on sexual violence.
sexual violence.

La Fédération Française Anorexie Boulimie

Gérée par des experts
en troubles du comportement
cette ligne d’écoute
fournit des informations et
renvoie vers des ressources
de prise en charge.

Managed by experts in
experts in eating disorders
this helpline
provides information and
information and referrals to resources

Drogues Info Service

De la documentation informative
et une ligne d’écoute
pour détecter la dépendance
et trouver des solutions
de prise en charge.

Informative documentation
and a hotline
to detect addiction
and to find solutions

SOS homophobie

Ce portail permet de signaler
des incidents homophobes,
et propose des outils
de soutien émotionnel
aux victimes de discrimination.

This portal allows you to report
homophobic incidents,
and offers tools for
emotional support for victims of
for victims of discrimination.

École des Parents et des Éducateurs

Une ligne d’écoute
et un service
de conseil et soutien
pour les jeunes victimes
de harcèlement.

An anti-harassment
and a counselling
counselling and support service
for young victims of
of harassment.


Federación de Asociaciones de Asistencia a Víctimas de Violencia Sexual y de Género

Información sobre la violencia sexual y machista y enlaces a recursos de ayuda.

Information on sexual and gender-based violence and links to resources for help.

Asociación Dianova España

Información sobre el abuso de sustancias y la drogadicción, y formulario de contacto para iniciar la recuperación.

Substance abuse and drug addiction information and contact form to initiate recovery.

Colectivo LGTB+ de Madrid

Grupo de apoyo y solidaridad con la comunidad LGTBIQ+ que crea conciencia social sobre los problemas a los que se enfrenta el colectivo.

Support and solidarity group for the LGTBIQ+ community that raises social awareness about the problems faced by the collective.

Teléfono contra el acoso escolar

Servicio gratuito de apoyo emocional que proporciona ayuda psicológica las 24 horas del día, todos los días del año.

Free emotional support service that provides psychological support 24 hours a day, every day of the year.

Consejo para la Eliminación de la Discriminación Racial o Étnica

Línea de atención gratuita para víctimas de discriminación racial o étnica, e información para identificar la discriminación.

Free hotline for victims of racial or ethnic discrimination, and information to identify discrimination.

Teléfono contra el suicidio

Línea de ayuda para personas que se encuentran en momentos de crisis suicida e información sobre la prevención del suicidio.

Helpline for people in suicidal crisis and information on suicide prevention.


Fondazione Progetto Itaca O.N.L.U.S. - C.F.

Linea di ascolto e sostegno per la salute mentale.

Mental health listening and support line.

Telefono Rosa

Assistenza, supporto e risorse per le vittime di violenza.

Assistance, support and resources for victims of violence.

114 Emergenza Infanzia

Numero di emergenza per bambini e adolescenti vittime di bullismo o altre situazioni di pericolo.

Emergency number for children and adolescents who are victims of bullying or other dangerous situations.

Narcotici Anonimi Italia

Gruppi di supporto per chi vuole cominciare un percorso di riabilitazione dalla tossicodipendenza.

Support groups for those who want to begin a drug rehabilitation journey.

Telefono AMICO Italia ODV

Assistenza per chi necessita di sostegno emotivo.

Assistance for those who need emotional support.

Numero Anti Violenza e Stalking

Numero di emergenza per chi è vittima di violenza o stalking e necessita di aiuto.

Emergency number for those who are victims of violence or stalking and need help.

Gay Help Line

Numero di emergenza per comunità LGBTQ+ colpite da discriminazione, violenza e bullismo.

Emergency number for LGBTQ+ communities affected by discrimination, violence and bullying.

Safer Internet Centre Italia

Numero di emergenza anti-bullismo.

Anti-bullying emergency number.

Associazione MIDORI

Numero di emergenza e materiale educativo per chi soffre di disturbi alimentari.

Emergency number and educational materials for those suffering from eating disorders.

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