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Data collection. START!

The #SRNT team searches for, accumulates and systematizes information about organizations that help people in hard life situations.

We will be glad to get in touch with organizations that provide help, as well as other organizations that accumulate information in their region or on specific topics.

We gather information in the following areas:

Abuse & Domestic Violence / Sexual Abuse / Substance use / Addiction & codependency / Mental Health / Gender & Sexual Identity / Bullying / Discrimination / Gambling / Relationship difficulties / Loneliness / Grief & Loss / Stockholm Syndrome / Eating&Body image / Refugees & Immigration / Hunger / Bedtime, etc

To send information to the #SRNT team, fill out the form at

In the future, the data will be made public. #SRNT is committed to the OpenData concept.

There are several potential benefits of open data for projects aimed at addressing violence and disadvantage:

  1. Improved decision-making: OpenData can provide organizations working to support victims of violence and disadvantaged groups with access to high-quality, reliable data that can inform their decision-making and planning processes.

  2. Enhanced transparency and accountability: OpenData can help organizations working in these areas to be more transparent and accountable to their stakeholders, including donors, beneficiaries, and the public.

  3. Increased efficiency: Access to open data can help organizations to streamline their operations and reduce the time and resources required to gather and analyze data.

  4. Greater impact: OpenData can help organizations to more effectively target their interventions and measure their impact, enabling them to make a greater difference in the lives of the people they serve.

  5. Empowerment of beneficiaries: OpenData can also empower the beneficiaries of these projects by providing them with access to information and tools that can help them advocate for their own needs and rights.

OpenData is a philosophy and practice that promotes the availability and accessibility of data for all, with the goal of enabling anyone to freely use, reuse, and redistribute data for any purpose.

As members of the #SRNT team, we are dedicated to using the latest technologies and approaches to advance the field of scientific research. One tool that we have found particularly valuable in our work is open data.

By using OpenData sets as a source of training data for our artificial intelligence (AI) systems, we have been able to significantly improve the accuracy and reliability of our models. We have also used open data to validate and test our AI systems, ensuring that they are effective and reliable in real-world situations.

We believe that OpenData has the potential to change the way research is conducted, allowing scientists to make better informed decisions and achieve greater impact. We are committed to using open data as a key part of our work and to promoting the importance of open data in the scientific, social science, government, and StartUp communities.

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